Future of Cloud Computing in 2010

I was thinking that how long would Cloud Computing go. What do You think? As I'm surfing webs and reading news about all over the world, mostly America and Europe and also East Asian countries such as Japan or Korea, are working more on C2.
Even in Iran it has became kind of a concern to start Cloud Computing as what I'm trying to know how.
Here I mention some of my predictions and my researches in the Web about Cloud computing in the new year, 2010 .

1. Next Generation Cloud Applications Emerge: 
Well,as I know, SaaS (Software as a Service) is aged about 10 years and the applications were built in the static web tend to have a stilted user experience. But new applications will be more interactive and more user-friendly.Also there maybe be offline Cloud Applications as what Google has mentioned about Chrome, that there will be offline OS after 1st results and releases. New applications will use true and real elasticity which many Saas Apps. still cannot offer.

2. Business Applications Get Social:
It's all ready happening that the major technologies of the year - Cloud Computing and Social Media - are getting the World Business in their hands. I can mention some great companies such as Salesforce and the Oracle CRM which are became more social. Also with the expanded coverage of Facebook,Twitter,Digg and etc. advertising and commercials are getting more social and in touch.

3. More Standards for Cloud Computing:
Two days ago I read about it in InfoWorld that Vint Cerf one of the desigers of TCP/IP protocols, emphasize on the need of some standards for Data Portability in the Cloud. As he said, for example in transfering data form Cloud A to Cloud B, there should be some standards that specify the format of Data and how the transfer should be processed.

4. What do you think ? :D 


Sadegh Jebelli said...

great post my friend,
i think C2 workings in iran is too tiny! we should work more and more on it... C2 growing so fast...

Business Applications Get Social? i think they should get social to be alive! with or without C2! :o

what do you think about standards and protocols?
i think the today protocols should have some BIG changes...

and 4- i think C2 will come to our clouds! with C2 and the new inventions in network, the virtual world will be real! ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Sadegh , ThanX for your comment.

Sadegh Jebelli said...

your welcome my friend! ;)

Amin said...

Nice ! :D

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